MFD brightness and visual problems
Hi, there are two problems with the MFDs I have:
First, when viewed at an angle (like looking at copilot's instruments from pilot's seat), the MFDs appear to be partially or completely black, like if the symbology is hiding under the display surface (Z-fighting). I haven't observed anything like this in any other MSFS plane, vanilla or otherwise. It's not a critical bug at all, but still pretty annoying.
And second, I did a night flight the other day, and even with the night seeting, the MFD's are waaaay too bright. Like, there is barely a visible difference between night and day mode. I assume the BRT button is just for show? I didn't manage to make it do anything.
So, would it be possible to decrease MFD brightness in the night setting? It makes seeing oudside of cockpit unnecessarily hard.
- Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Could you provide a video of the Z-fighting/black screen issue?
BRT buttons are INOP. Will reduce brightness of the screens in night mode.
Hi, I dont have a Youtube account or anything like this, so I uploaded the video here:
Should stay up for 30 days. Hope that will do.Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
I'm unable to replicate this issue on my end:
It's likely related to your graphic settings - antialiasing/texture filtering/supersampling may affect these things. Have you changed any of your settings on Nvidia Control Panel?
So, resetting my Nvidia settings to the factory defaults didn't help... but resetting my MSFS settings did! After a while of experimenting, I narrowed it to the most unlikely suspect - the Lens Correction option in MSFS itself. Turning it off fixes the problem for me.
But even then, when looking at the most distant display at extreme angles, there are thin shimmering diagonal lines visible. Absolutely not a problem unless you are looking for it on purpose, but it proves the issue still exists to some degree. But as I said before, I can't see the same effect with any other MSFS aircraft (Lens Correction was on all the time), so there must be something done differently in your Osprey. Again, not a big deal as there is a workaround, just a heads up.
- Progresswith handling this problem