I think this is a documentationfeature request … at least I was not able fully understand the behaviour from the existing text.
I watched this video …
… and around minute 6:30 one can see that they taxi and take off with the ramp in a leveled open position.
I tried putting the ramp into "manual" mode … but then "open" and "close" always go to a full-open or close.
When I used "auto" is discovered that it can start taxiing with an open ramp … and it will go to "leveled" and stay there until approx 170 ktas. I did not expect that.
Now the documentation does hint at that on page 33 … but I somehow did not expect that I could (should) start to taxi with a ramp which is still touching the ground.
A sightly more detail documentation would be helpful IMHO.
But in addition to what … how does the real Osprey use the "manual ramp" mode … does the open-close switch have a third "middle" position?
- Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
On Manual mode, both door switches basically works as an on/off switch - fully opened or fully closed.
On Auto AND both doors opened (switches in the "opened" position);
- Speed 0 kts: Ramp is fully opened (down position), side door is fully opened (stairs down)
- Speed >1kts: Ramp is "leveled", side door stairs are retracted.
- at >1000ft OR Speed>200kts, both doors close.
It would be helpful to have this information in the documentation manual PDF.
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Will add this to the manual