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By @Brohammer
    2024-02-20 16:23:31.096Z

    I've been having this problem for at least two months now (I play on Xbox One Cloud). I've been trying to complete the TOPGUN F18 carrier landing training mission, but it ALWAYS fails me because the game keeps calling me too high or too low, or just tells me to "Wave Off!" despite being perfectly on the ball. I literally cannot get it any more accurate. Especially when it won't let me alter the cockpit controls whatsoever for the training mission.
    Would really like to finish this mission finally...
    Good day.

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 1 replies
    1. The Top Gun Carrier mission is not related to our product in any way. Our carriers work on free flight, outside the mission.

      The Top Gun carrier mission is included with the Asobo Top Gun expansion
