Any WWII carrier news?
First off, thanks for some outstanding products. Super excited about the upcoming aerial refueling add-on.
When Supercarrier Pro was announced/released, I believe there were published intentions about releasing a new WWII product or expansion.
I stopped by to check for news and can find nary a word of this anymore on the site. Perusing the forums and Facebook page it looks like it might be be more work than originally thought to make a WWII product matching current SC Pro standards, and you also might be considering doing Cold War carriers first/instead.
Just wondering if there's any news on this front, if WWII had to take a back seat, or if you no longer intend to do it at all.
- FTom Perry @flyingscool
It looks like you're no longer selling the Lexington here?
I'd rather purchase it from you than from Orbx. I didn't purchase the original because you said it was getting no more updates, and, at least originally, said the Lexington was going to get the Super Carrier treatment. Do I need to purchase the Lexington now since I'm most interested in WWII carriers. I'm a prop flyer mostly, though I'm interested as well in the Cold War late '50's early 60's since that's when my dad served in the Navy.If people stopped purchasing the Lexington, I'm going to imagine that's due to your updates that you were basically discontinuing support for it and moving to a new better version.
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
The original Lexington has been discontinued. A WWII expansion to Supercarrier Pro will be released in the future