Like any goose I like to fly "in formation" … so that I can watch the pretty shape of the Osprey while flying.
But at a certain distance (zoom level) there is a disturbing visual shadow effect. MSFS sometimes draws the shadows of the tail antenna dishes, and sometimes not … and since those dish shadows are big this is "attracting attention". Here is a video:
I understand that MSFS does perform the rendering … but maybe there are some 3D model LOD hints or other attributes (maybe something like a "alwaysCastsShadow"?) which could help to prevent this visual effect.
- Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
This has to do with the shadow draw distance. Not too sure how MSFS decides at what distance to draw shadows (for example, terrain shadows are visible from far away), but as far as I'm aware, this is not an aircraft bug but rather just related to the render engine.