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Fuel consumption

By tulio petrin @Sulliver
    2023-04-11 23:15:07.206Z

    Is the fuel consumption of the MV-22B correct? In the specifications of the real model it has 879nm of total range, today I made a flight of 600nm taking 100% of fuel and I arrived at the destination with 70% available, shouldn't there be an amount well below that?

    Flight data: 17.000FT 200Kts, engines at 80% for the entire cruise flight and moderate winds against the plane most of the way.

    So following this logic, 30% every 600nm would I have a total range of 2000nm? that would be double the actual value.

    • 3 replies
    1. We will take a look at this. There is limited info on the fuel consumption variables, so it's likely that these are inaccurate.

      1. K
        In reply toSulliver:
          2023-04-13 04:43:18.486Z

          Ranges specified online are all over the map since they often don't specify variants across the Air Force/US SOCOM (CV-22) , Marines (MV-22) and Navy (CMV-22) which have different fuel configurations and operation ranges. As described in the following article, the range is dramatically affected by load as well as the use of VTOL:

          • VTOL with a payload of 6000 lbs as 430nm
          • VTOL with a payload of 8000 lbs at 220nm
          • Ferry range of over 2100nm (but I think that is for the CMV-22B, not the MV-22B)

          The default load of the Osprey when started in MSFS is empty cargo and about 50% fuel, so unless you loaded up with cargo, or did extended VTOL operations during the flight, the range would be closer to ferry range than normal operational range.

          1. In reply toSulliver:

            Fuel consumption has been adjusted to: 1200 NM plus 30 minutes fuel reserve (at Nr 83-84%, 17.000 ft, take-off weight 40.000 lbs, STOL mode)

            Increase weight will reduce flight range
            Nr above 84% will reduce range
            VTOL mode will reduce flight range

            This update will be pushed out with V1.1.5

            1. Progress
            2. @MiltechSimulations closed this topic 2023-04-20 05:15:35.335Z.