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Turn coordinator ball wrong in VTOL / CONV

By @BiM
    2023-06-09 13:06:03.358Z

    In CONV / VTOL modes, the turn coordinator ball is behaving very strangely. It works perferctly normal both on the ground and in APLN mode, but in two said modes, the ball will stay fully to one side, even in straight and level flight.

    Strangely, it still moves around some, but not in a correct way. When coming into CONV from APLN mode, it sometimes stays reasonably centered for a while, but inadverently veers to one side eventually. By making big rudder deflections, you can move the ball around, but in reverse of what it should be - left pedal moves the ball further left, and vice-versa.

    It happens reliably every time as far as I can tell. Not sure if it was the same before the last update.

    • 1 replies
    1. Noted, will fix

      1. Progress
        with handling this problem
      2. @MiltechSimulations closed this topic 2023-06-12 20:57:32.644Z.