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Pop Out Panels

By Kent McBee @kwmcb
    2023-07-05 22:20:01.462Z


    I purchased today the full bundle of the V-22. I was surprised to not have panels that will pop out but see you are working the issue.

    How goes your progress toward a solution?

    This is an important feature for many of us. I'm hoping this was not money poorly spent.


    • 3 replies
    1. Hi Kent,

      This is planned but low priority at this time. It is a feature very few people really use, and to be honest we have never implemented such thing. We are still investigating how to proceed there as there is no documentation on the simulator SDK.

      1. Edit: I've found a potential solution on the forums, will try out and if it works it may get implemented on the next aircraft update.

        1. KKent McBee @kwmcb
            2023-07-06 13:15:22.912Z

            Thats great news! I have vision issues and have pop out panels are indispensable for my flying. Best of luck.

        2. Progress
        3. @MiltechSimulations closed this topic 2023-07-06 08:32:30.067Z.