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Carriers on Xbox

By Sam hohl @Snakeklller
    2023-10-29 05:25:21.760Z

    Can u add functionable hanger bays and carrier spawn points to your world carrier groups on Xbox like you have on PC for the super carrier by the way the super carrier is not available on Xbox anymore can you make aircraft carriers on Xbox where I can drive into the hangar Bay through the elevator and control the elevator and can you add where I can call the ball I believe it used to work but now I don't and I know top gun has one I own all but a few of your carriers and the only controls I get are the taxi controls is there any way you can add more

    • 9 replies
    1. All the features you have requested are included in our Supercarrier Pro Product:

      This product is soon coming to Xbox. Unfortunately at this time there is a MSFS Bug on Xbox preventing us to release. This bug is currently being addressed by the Asobo team.

      1. S@Simjack47
          2024-01-25 19:09:36.450Z

          A little background info on me so you will know that I am a seasoned pro on MSFS having had every version on a PC and over that time span I spent thousands on hardware upgrades and software add-ons. I still have the original MSFS X (A Century of Flight) disk set and the Acceleration add-on. This was before electronic delivery in use today.

          This is my first console experience so the point is not only are there major issues with the Supercarrier Pro but also NAS Miramar causes CTD's no matter whether the photogrammetry is off or on. I think that these programs should not be sold for the Xbox until the reported issues are resolved.

          *Supercarrier Pro Xbox X issues:

          1. When clicking on a carrier to set up a flight, the departure screen shows 2 runways. When one of them is selected the aircraft is sitting in the middle of the carrier, moving or stationary.
          2. Next I select the Supercarrier Pro icon from the drop-down menu and the control box appears as it should. Then I select the Cat. to launch from and the launch crew show as they should.
          3. From here nothing functions as it should.

          *NAS Miramar see the above.

          *Osprey package I haven't even tried yet.

          1. Regarding NAS Miramar: This issue will be fixed on an update releasing tonight.

            Regarding Supercarrier Pro: Carriers are not supported by default on MSFS. Hence a few workarounds had to be engineered for them to be functional.

            1. Runways on the Worldmap do not represent any real carrier runway in MSFS. This is instead a placeholder for aircraft to spawn on and be "automatically teleported" to the ships deck. For that reason, you shouldn't select either runway spawn point, but instead just start the flight from the "airport", without selecting any specific runway. After the flight has loaded, your aircraft should automatically be transported to the carrier deck. If this does not occur it is likely that you have one of your MSFS Settings not configured correctly - but in any case, you can simply go and use the "Teleport" functions on the Carrier App to move the aircraft to runway, parking, or hangar. This is the only way carriers can work until a full implementation is made available by Asobo, which likely won't happen anytime soon.

            2. The launching sequence does not occur automatically. A few clicks are required. Upon selecting the catapult, you will be guided by the crew. When the crew orders you to stop, make a full stop and wait a few seconds. A YELLOW CHECKMARK will now be clickable on the carrier app, that must be clicked for the crew to begin preparing the aircraft for takeoff. A few seconds later, a GREEN CHECKMARK will now be available, click on it to indicate you're all ready to go. At this time you must set full throttle/afterburners and wait for the aircraft to be catapulted.

            This is all fully documented on the products manual:


            1. S@Simjack47
                2024-01-25 19:33:10.901Z

                Thanks for the quick reply. I have the website pulled up on my iPhone for quick access while using Supercarrier Pro.

                No word on NAS Miramar?

                Also the ability to download the product manuals to pdf. format for printing would be great 😁

                1. As mentioned above - an update for NAS Miramar will be available tonight fixing the performance issues. Unfortunately the Xbox update cycle is incredibly slow.

                  As for printing manuals - this has been requested by many users. We are working on it, requires some reformatting of the documentation :)

                  1. S@Simjack47
                      2024-01-27 15:25:13.894Z

                      Miramar update still causes CTD's on Xbox Series X.

                      1. We have done everything possible to make Miramar stable on Xbox. The scenery is as light as it gets - unfortunately the San Diego area is incredibly heavy even without any sceneries. Asobo is aware of the issue and we are awaiting reply.

                        Please take a look at this thread. The recommendations here have worked for other users on Xbox Series X. These are the same guidelines we used and found stability on Series S.


                        1. S@Simjack47
                            2024-01-27 17:51:55.831Z

                            A real stupid question I have. How much does the Miramar add-on cost?
                            I was going to ask for a refund (see my reply to the thread link you sent), but when I look through my past purchases on the Microsoft website all I get is a long list of purchases with only an order number.
                            The order number has no detail as to how much the item was, only the purchase date.
                            I keep a record of all purchase confirmation emails but no joy there either.

                            1. Can’t tell you exactly as pricing is dynamic - depends on your location, currency, applicable taxes, etc.

                              If you contact Microsoft directly for a refund they’ll be able to locate the order more easily.

              • Progress
              • @MiltechSimulations closed this topic 2023-10-29 09:20:15.652Z.