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Engine Inconsistencies

By Eric Steiner @vFlyingCowboy
    2023-11-11 07:45:32.062Z

    So something that I have been able to identify is this:

    When you bring the engine 1 ECL to start and have a good engine start, the NP tends to be somewhere around 68ish (I can get the exact number if you need me to).

    After engine 1 is started, you take the ECL to Fly at which point NP goes to somewhere in the 85-92 range

    After starting Engine 2 and bringing the ECL to Fly, NP will rise to 100-104 NP.

    The engines will remain in this configuration until the aircraft is in 0 degrees nacelle and you "tap" the nacelle thumbwheel at which point the proprotors reduce the amount of torque allowing the PIC to fly just like a normal aircraft would.

    When converting back, the Proprotor will "spool" back up to 100-104 NP during the entire CONV mode.

    Another noteworthy thing:

    During "loitering" the ECL's will be brought back until NP is brought to 75 as the other gens besides gen 1 will shut down at 70% NP.

    Now I do not know if this is a MSFS limitation but I thought I would mention it. I can try and get more info as needed but this is what I know.

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