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Supercarrier elevator issue

By @kevinator
    2024-01-03 12:35:02.227Z

    I seem to be having an issue that my aircraft would constantly bounce when using the carrier elevator. Crash damage has already been disabled in the FS2020 setting.

    below link is a short video of the issue:

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 2 replies
    1. This is a known issue - occurs with static carriers only (this issue does not occur on moving ships).

      The gear physics refresh rate is not fast enough for the aircraft to smoothly move on the elevators. Moving ships force the sim to refresh faster, as the surface is constantly moving. Unfortunately we have not been able to find a solution for this issue just yet - but we continue investigating.

      1. K@kevinator
          2024-01-03 13:03:54.995Z

          ahh I see, much appreciated for the prompt response! Other than that issue, loving the carrier mod! Good job guys! 👍