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NAS Miramar - Xbox

By Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
    2024-01-05 09:03:56.061Z2024-01-05 09:12:36.599Z

    The Xbox-optimized version has just been released. This version of the product is "as light as it gets without removing further detail", and collapses texture sizes, adds heavy LODing and removes unnecessary detail to run better on Xbox.

    The product was thoroughly tested on Xbox Series S and we got good results during testing.

    However, some users have reported stuttering and, at times, even CTDs. Our investigations seem to lead to Photogrammetry having an important impact in this case. The San Diego Area photogrammetry is incredibly dense, and some users have found better stability using NAS Miramar with photogrammetry turned off (Bing Data remaining on).

    We are working on a new update with the objective of reaching full stability on Xbox.

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