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Multiple Questions.

By @Tasker
    2024-02-09 14:25:58.853Z
    1. In the next Osprey update can you make CMV-22B have a Thumbnail picture that reflects the visual distinctions?

    2. When the Sim selects the 22 as an AI aircraft for ground scenery, there are visual errors. The engines are shown as running, The proprotors are both rendered the #1 engine. (I’m guessing this is a Sim limitation) As we experienced similar issues when developing the H160.

    3. Did the announcement from the development team of the upcoming implementation of multiple rotors in the CFD system throw a hand grenade in the time line of the -47D.

    • 1 replies
      1. The thumbnail should reflect the differences - these are however very minor and may not be visible due to the small size pf the thumbnails. I’ll take a look.

      2. Yes, this is indeed a sim limitation due to the lack of tiltrotor support. Nothing we can do there.

      3. Not at all. We are in late beta, with a close early access starting next week. Release is just a few short weeks away. We are releasing with our current FM (which is already good enough), and then updating for full native support once the SU is released.