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Osprey 'Autopilot_Aispeed_Acquire' Binding not Turning on Airspeed Hold

By Texaszman @JPVann
    2024-02-29 15:46:18.039Z

    Did a search - have been trying to set a control binding for Speed Hold but nothing I have been trying works. I can see the LVARs move, have tried the Dec 2022 change to Autopilot_Airspeed_Acquire but that does not affect the Speed or the Animation in the Sim. Thanks for a pointer!

    • 1 replies
    1. I'll have to dig and experiment a little to provide you with a good answer for this one - will get back to you shortly!

      1. Progress
      2. @MiltechSimulations closed this topic 2024-02-29 19:02:21.286Z.
      3. @MiltechSimulations reopened this topic 2024-02-29 19:02:23.654Z.