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CH47D HSI localiser offset to one side

By Andrew @AlphaWhatnow
    2024-03-13 10:18:41.120Z

    The HSI is showing the Chinook centred on the localiser off to one side (photo as an example). I have tested this at several airports and verified in another chopper that this is a Chinook problem, not a general ILS problem. I haven't checked if this affects tacan or VOR navigation as it's a lot harder to see if a radial is correctly aligned.

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 3 replies
    1. We are aware of the issue and its currently under investigation.

      1. AAndrew @AlphaWhatnow
          2024-03-13 11:11:06.839Z

          Great, thanks. I did wonder if you were using true bearings instead of magnetic or vice versa, but my photo was taken at Rio with a large magnetic variation and the effect seems the same size as in the UK with small variations.

          1. That could very well be the case. We are using the stock ASOBO templates for these instruments, so it will need a little bit of digging.