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MV-22B … Parking break issue

By @nenenui
    2024-07-04 07:35:30.646Z

    Since a couple of month (it started way before SU15) I did notice some very strange "parking break" issues. It always looks the same:

    • I am standing still (manual breaks applied)
    • I engage the parking break
    • The Osprey is very very slowly "stuttering" either forward or backward

    I feel like this is happening more often when I have Live Weather and a strong wind is blowing.

    Yesterday I had it again (and took some pictures, for what it is worth) …

    • The parking break was active
    • Nacelles at ca. 60 deg (read for takeoff on the runway) … with a pretty high throttle … dust was blowing on the runway
    • Osprey stuttering backwards

    … and once I release the parking break … it stopped to stutter backwards … and rapidly accelerated forward.

    Perhaps this is a MSFS engine bug … but maybe you have an idea how to narrow it down.

    (PS … If useful I can upload the pictures … but there is not much to see which would help to resolve the issue)

    • 2 replies
    1. Well, this is a first-time report of such an issue.

      Have you tried reinstalling V22?

      Please attach a video if issue persists - screenshots are not very useful for these sort of "dynamic" bugs.

      1. @nenenui
          2024-07-04 08:42:47.951Z

          OK … I will try to make a movie next time