MV-22B … Unrealistic engine start … without battery
Somewhat funny that I never did run into this before … given that I made over 300 Osprey flights so far.
By accident I moved the engine start lever to start … while the Osprey was still "cold and dark" (master battery still OFF … APU still OFF) … and to my surprise the rotors started turning, and I suffered (rotor?) damage due to the blades hitting the ground.
I then checked if this is a special "bug" in the "nacelles at 0 deg" CONV flight position, but I can also get the rotors spinning in other nacelles angle position, when the Osprey is basically turned "off".
Now I understand that a perfect "study level" simulation was never intended for the Osprey, but being able to start the engine without any battery (electric) power feels like a bug to me. I hope there is an easy way to fix that.
- Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Just did exactly as you described (started flight Cold and Dark, APU off, Batt off), removed ECLs to Start... and rotors do not move. Removed rotor brake... and nothing.
Moved nacelles to 90deg, ECLs to Start.. nothing. Started APU and only then the engines started.
However, I ended up noticing the following - only after I've shut down the APU, if I retry restarting the engines, I'm able to do so with APU off and even with BATT off. The aircraft must have gone through that cycle before the bug presents. However it is "short-lived", as after 2-3 minutes I'm again unable to start the engines.
Could you please confirm it this is the case you are describing? If so I'll push a fix on the next update, which is coming shortly.Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Just a follow up, at no point during my testing I saw the engines actually spooling up, unless APU was on. What happened was the starter kicking in, which makes the rotors rotate at low RPM. Still, this shouldn't happen without power. Under the conditions described above, rotors would rotate for a few seconds before coming to a stop.
Frist … I can confirm that it is only the starter … when In nacelles 90 deg I watched the rotors for some minutes and they did only spin an low RMP (= the 3D model rotated … no motion blur)
Regarding the "nacelles != 0" cases I first had to move the nacelles with the APU on. So that would match your precedure … and it might be a hint at a variable that was not reset to "zero" once the shutdown has happened.
However, I am pretty sure that the "nacelles 0 deg" incident happened right after jumping into a new flight. I never ever rotate the nacelles back down to 0 deg after I landed …
I will check later today and provide feedback.
- In reply tonenenui⬆:@nenenui
Interesting bug indeed.
I can always trigger it (cold+dark+zero nacelles … right after "start flying") at:
- VQ10 (Ramp 2) … at ca 8300 ft
- SLLP (Gate 1) … at ca 13000 ft
but I can not trigger it at
- PHKO (Gate 1) … at sea level
- SPJC … at sea level
IMHO the main difference here is the altitude (and perhaps the temperature).
(All on MSFS on PC W10)