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By Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
    2024-07-26 19:37:33.487Z

    Welcome to our Summer Development Update! We're excited to share the latest progress, upcoming projects, and future goals with you. This update includes key announcements regarding products in the pipeline.


    UK Carrier Strike Group V2
    UK Carrier V2 has been recently released, with significant improvements to nearly all aspects from the product. The Carriers and Support Ships have been completely remodeled, new locations added and all the "Supercarrier Features" (teleport, align to wind, moving carriers, moving elevators, accessible hangars) have been added.

    All the details can be found here:

    Miltech Simulations MV-22
    V1.4.0 is due to release in the next few days - notably enhancing significantly the logistic aspects of the aircraft. The cargo bay interior has been completely revamped, with improved modeling and texturing throughout.

    Many of the cargo-loading functions included with CH47D (including both the inner cargo loads, and outer sling loads) have been added to the MV-22, featuring Humvees, Troops and F135 Engines.

    Miltech Simulations CH47D
    Next update for CH47D (v1.1.2) is currently under development, focusing on various Multiplayer compatibility enhancements and adjustments to the blade droop. Optional refueling probe, rotor tiedowns and wheel chocks will also be added to the product.

    As for the full dual-rotor implementation, we have unfortunately hit blockers in the way that are preventing us to proceed with a full release of the new flightmodel. We are still unhappy with the results, as any attempt to make a tandem flight model results in a less reliable simulation. We persist in fine-tuning and adjusting values, aiming to eventually achieve an acceptable FM. Users in the modding community have suggested the option of enhancing the tandem FM with an active Stability Augmentation System, though we would like to stay away from this option due to potential concerns with performance and satisfaction from the customer base.

    There has been extensive discussion on this topic on the forums, so please refer to this link:

    Regarding missions, there seems to be many requests for new missions to be added. We have plans to open up the mission system so the community can create custom missions. However, with FS2024 coming up very soon, there may be a few ideas that may be dropped (eg. on demand firefighting) until we have further details on the new sim.

    2. U2 SPYPLANE

    We have gone a little quiet in the past few months.. But trust, it is for a good reason.
    Extensive work is going on in the backend, with final modeling and texturing details, and major avionics work to bring the U2 closer to release.

    We have already finished works on the Chasecars (which, by the way, will change based on era/operator), Sceneries (Fairford, Groom Lake, Osan) and missions.

    We expect a release within the next couple of months, but ETAs are, as usual, subject to change.

    Stay tuned for a dedicated dev update on this topic.


    Aerial Refueling Pro is the continuation of our "Pro" series of military utility products, focusing on bringing functionality to the core simulator.

    We recognize the competition for this product; however, our plans remain unchanged and have actually become even more ambitious. This product is a collaboration between us and a renowned developer. You can expect a highly detailed and comprehensive simulation of aerial refueling, featuring various meticulously crafted tanker models and liveries from international operators. Many breakthroughs are also being done to make the product fully multiplayer-compatible.

    Now, regarding timelines on this project, it is likely that development will extend beyond the initially planned timeline - however, you may expect a higher-fidelity product as a result.


    As we have mentioned before, we will be offering 100% Free Updates for our products to FS2024.
    We are now in a more comfortable spot to mention a few details on how the transition to the new sim is being planned:

    • The transition to FS2024 should be quite effortless and we expect most of our products to work on the new sim within a few weeks from release. Now, "work on the new sim" does not necessarily means "take advantage of new sim technologies" - at least not right away. You shall expect a similar experience to what's currently offered on FS2020, and as time passes by and the platform matures, work will be done to implement the newer technologies to our products.

    As a practical example, the new physically-simulated sling loads, and the new firefighting systems will NOT be available on the product upon initial FS2024 release, and will only be available as an update down the road, provided that the SDK documentation is available.

    • Aircraft Products will take highest priority, followed by carriers, and finally scenery. The expectation is that Scenery is going to be the easiest to convert to the new platform.

    • Some of our products will be phased out and will NOT be available on FS2024. There are good reasons for this - these products will be replaced by newer, FS2024-exclusive versions. The products are: USS Lexington, USS George W Bush. We are still discussing what to do with Amphibious Ready Group, as it would benefit from "Supercarrier Treatment", similarly to what we did with the UK Carriers.

    • There will not be any update fees from FS2020 to FS2024, on any of our products, meaning that you will be able to access any FS2020 product in FS2024, and you may expect the same features to function correctly. We may release paid "V2 Upgrades", FS2024-exclusive, for small price.


    We have hinted this in the past - but since then the list has only grown. We have a TON of projects in the pipeline, and the core team is growing as a result.

    Wish I could tell you more about upcoming products, but due to various reasons we can't. However, I'm sure you'll be excited when we break the news soon.

    We are actively looking for talent to join the team (particularly XML, WASM and JS Programmers). Please reach out to us.

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