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By James Hart @Woxof
    2024-12-11 23:56:32.915Z

    How do I get the MS2024 update, if I bought the Ch-47 directly from your web site instead of through the MS Marketplace? I understand the update has been released, but Contrail says no updates are available. Help!

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 3 replies
    1. Change simulator to MSFS24 on the upper right corner on the Contrail App. If this option is unavailable, update the Contrail app.

      Once in FS24, you will see the product available on the Downloads tab.

      1. W
        In reply toWoxof:
        James Hart @Woxof
          2024-12-12 00:11:56.293Z

          Thanks for the quick response. The download worked like a charm. Thanks again.

          Now, when will the update for the V-22 be released?

          1. WJames Hart @Woxof
              2024-12-12 03:26:11.618Z

              Never mind. Found it on the web site (after some diligent digging).

            • Progress
            • @MiltechSimulations accepted an answer 2024-12-11 23:59:06.374Z.