V1.0.0 - INITIAL RELEASE Jan 24, 2025
Beautifully Modeled: high-quality modeling and texturing throughout - exteriors and interiors.
• Highly detailed Cockpit Model, with extensive use of detail mapping and high-resolution, fully PBR texturing.
• Detailed Exterior model, with special attention to detail on detailing of the landing gears and engine.
Flight Model: Flight-By-Wire flight model, cross-referenced with real-life data, and validated by Subject Matter Experts.
Sounds: Comprehensive and immersive sound pack, created by Echo 19.
Weapons System: Comprehensive Weapons System, covering A-A and A-G Operations. Functionality based on realistic procedures. For more information and limitations, please take a look at the section below on Weapons System.
• Air-to-Air: S550 and R530 Missiles, with visible shooting and tracking simulation.
• Air-to-Ground: MK82s and GBUs, along with visible and persistent impact effects, and CCIP HUD Modes
• Gun: Visible gun effects with tracers, and realistic sound effects
• Countermeasures: Realistic Chaff/Flares effects, featuring Manual and Automatic Chaff release programs
Systems: Extensive simulation of the aircraft’s systems.
• Autopilot System supporting Altitude Select/Hold and Heading Select.
• Fully Modeled Inertial Navigation System, including alignment procedures, and supporting flight plans of several waypoints.
• Flight Planner Application to support the INS system, available for free at
• Various HUD Modes modelled, including weapon-specific, navigational and Approach modes.
• Extensive VTB Display functionality, supporting weapon information pages and traffic, weather and terrain radars.
• Functional RWR, displaying all traffic identified by the radar.
• TACAN and VOR Navaids fully supported.
Liveries: 16 Liveries, including French Squadrons & Special Liveries, Peru, Qatar, Taiwan, Brazil, Egypt, Ukraine, Greece, among others. A Paint Kit will be made available shortly after release.
Special Animations: modeling of the drag chute deployment animations, among others.
Accessories: GPU Model, Side Stairs, Engine Covers, and accurately-modeled wheel chocks are just among some of the accessories included with the aircraft.
V1.0.1 - RELEASED Jan 29, 2025
• ADDED: New Freebie added to the Base Pack! Suippes Firing Range, just 30mins flight from Cambrai. ICAO:SUIPP, INS Coordinates: N49.09.0 E004.34.5
• FIXED: Memory Allocation issue causing freezes on AMD CPUs
• FIXED: Various issues in Traffic rendering on radar and RWR. Added traffic switch to the Radar Console, off by default.
• FIXED: Engine Cover, NWS and Wheel Chocks checklist camera alignment fixed.
• FIXED: HUD projection position adjusted.
• FIXED: HUD Brightness and visibility improved, HUD brightness knob added.
• FIXED: Elevons animation inverted fixed.
• FIXED: Flickering on LOX/Speed/Mach tape gauges.
• FIXED: Character position in cockpit adjusted.
• FIXED: Parachute animation no longer clipping the ground.
• FIXED: RWR Display is no longer ON in Cold and Dark conditions.
• FIXED: P and S flipped in PCA fixed. S now automatically displays upon selection (selected) and P displays shortly after when armed (PRET).
• FIXED: Acceleration chevrons are now always visible on HUD.
• FIXED: Flares can no longer deploy when aircraft is on the ground.
• FIXED: Improved handling of the aircraft in low speed, low altitude conditions. Control lock has been completely resolved, and improved maneuvrability at low speed/low altitude.
• FIXED: Anticollision strobes repositioned to avoid conflict with the tail mesh.
• FIXED: Chocks no longer clipping the ground.
• FIXED: Yaw Damper increased to dampen corkscrew effect.
• FIXED: Canopy crash surfaces relaxed to avoid camera jumping issue.
• FIXED: Gear doors actuation not in sync with the extension of the landing gear fixed.
• QUALITY OF LIFE: NWS can now be engaged using keybind TOGGLE ALTERNATOR 4
V1.0.2 - RELEASED Feb 13, 2025
• ADDED: Weapon/Tank jettison is now supported
• ADDED: ILS Needles on main ADI
• ADDED: Cage Flags are now visible on both ADI
• ADDED: Blue DIRAV light is now lit to indicate NWS
• ADDED: Conditional to prevent spoiler/slat deployment or retraction after complete shutdown.
• ADDED: A and F lights now light up to indicate speedbrakes extension.
• FIXED: Several Flight Model/FBW Improvements. Sensitivity PIDs have been adjusted on the FBW system to linearize the inputs at low speeds, aircraft does not overreact to pitch up input when flying an approach. Resolved FBW issues with aircraft not holding attitude at speeds under 230 Knots. Approach and landing handling characteristics improved.
• FIXED: Mach Tuck modeling has been reviewed and improved, overmodeling of pitch down tendency has been compensated. Mach Tuck is still present and it is normal at speeds above 0.7 Mach, at which you will see a slight pitch down in level flight (increasing linearly with speed)
• FIXED: Readjusted CG on Z axis to fully neutralize the off-axis aileron roll.
• FIXED: Spoiler Clickspot on Throttle now functional
• FIXED: Euler rotation of chute handle has been linearized.
• FIXED: ALT AFF Default V/S Increased to 2500fpm
• FIXED: Oxygen Lever Indicator no longer displaying 0
• FIXED: Flickering on G Force and Speed Tape should be fully resolved now.
• FIXED: Nav Lights emissive texture stuck in "always on", even when the lights have been turned off.
• FIXED: Adjustments to fuselage reflectiveness, some dirt layers migrated to the PBR Roughness layer for increased depth of textures.
• FIXED: Various discrepancies on tooltips resolved.
• FIXED: Default External Camera Distance position has reset to a slightly closer value.
• FIXED: Mirror Reflections in FS24 improved
• FIXED: Drag Chute logic has been reviewed. Chute will only deploy when aircraft is on the ground, gear is down, spoilers extended and chute lever in the release positon. Chute will only extend once per flight session, restart of the flight is required to use the chute again, emergency use only.
• FIXED: Selection/highlight outline removed from HUD, VTB and all other displays when using an Xbox controller.
- Improved FBW Handling at low speeds: Now FBW automatically deactivates upon gear extension, and reactivates on gear retraction in order to reduce undesired pitch sensibility during approach. Trim is managed by a custom algorithm to keep pitch during this mode transition.
- Flight Plan sync over the cloud is now possible, directly loading onto INS.
- Fixed sound regression resulting in no flyover sounds on multiplayer aircraft.
- SIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@SmiteMatter
Very pleased to have the M2Kc for FS20. Bought and installed from Miltech store. Beautifully done!
Problem is I cannot find any manuals or docs relating to how to operate or load weapons to the aircraft? Can’t even load external fuel tanks. No related documents came with aircraft nor can I locate any elsewhere. Am I missing something?Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Manual will be posted shortly at
Just doing some final tweaks.
- S@SmiteMatter
Thank you. Love the plane. I finally found the hidden and unlabeled click point that activates load out menu on the center screen.
- In reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:
Is there a way to have it in pdf ?
I would like to have it on my ipad while i pilot.
- FIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:FREDDO @FREDDO183
Hello everyone,
I just bought the 2000 but when I ride on any tarmac, my cockpit jumps constantly......So it is impossible for me to use the cockpit..????Normal or not, in knowing that the version purchased is V1.0.0
SincerelyMiltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Do you have a video of this issue? It has never been reported before
yes, this is my video about my porblemMiltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
I have no idea. The aircraft code doesn’t affect cameras in any way, and no other user is having this
Perhaps you have some keybind that is continously raising/lowering the camera (similar to the default spacebar keybind on FS20)
Can you confirm if this ONLY occurs with M2K? Whats interesting is that it stops doing it after a while..
No, it's the only plane in my collection that has this problem.....the 2000 simply starts to shake as soon as I'm taxing...I'll look for it....but I just spent €30 for one plane unusable for the moment...not cool
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
We’ll try our best to assist, however unfortunately at this time I do not know what the root issue is..
Can you please try disconnecting your peripherals and report if that fixes anything?
I unplugged, re-plugged, I just reset all my keys, and nothing changes....all I have to do is reprogram
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
And you said it only happens during taxi? Air/stationary on the ground is fine?
I continue investigating, but unfortunately it is very strange. Cannot reproduce in any way, nor anyone on the team has seen this
during taxi and flight
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Did some more investigating, and found this thread: seems that other people are experiencing this issue with several other aircraft, and it has to do with frame rate generation. Any chance you could verify this?
It also seems to be directly releated to camera zoom. Can you confirm if zooming out the aircraft camera stops it from occurring? I think we are close to finding out what the root cause is.
nothing the fixed point, parking brake engaged, as soon as I put on the gas, there are vibrations in the cockpit as in my video
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Bingo! Issue resolved!
The issue is camera height on your MSFS Camera settings. The camera is interfering with the collision box on the canopy.
Lowering the camera in MSFS settings will solve the issue. We are also pushing an update tomorrow that will modify the bounding box of the canopy to avoid this problem.A value of 50 on Camera Height is ideal @FREDDO183
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I change my value of 50 on camera and it 's GOOD!
- SIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@SmiteMatter
Am I mistaken in thinking that the aircraft the M2KC is based on should have a 3 stage afterburner? Currently it just has full or off. If I am wrong could you adjust the afterburner to remain on as lot as 97% throttle. If I slightly bump the throttle while burning it often turns AB off unintentionally. If this conflicts with realism then nevermind I’ll get used to it. Love the design overall! So nice!
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Its a single-stage Afterburner
AB is currently using the TOGGLE AFTERBURNER keybind, similar to how F18 works in MSFS
- FIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:FREDDO @FREDDO183
After having tested this plane extensively...physically nothing to say it is great art...on the other hand it appears that there is a problem with flight physics and especially balance in flight.. .in straight flight, the rear is higher than the front, which in reality is completely false. Hoping that all this will be corrected in a future update. Sincerely
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
This is actually not incorrect for a delta wing. Its called Mach Tuck - delta wings have a center of lift significantly rearward compared to the center of mass, creating a moment on the aircraft which translates to slight pitch down to sustain levelled flight. It may perhaps be slightly over modelled, but it is correct otherwise
knowing this type of aircraft in real life, especially the D version, I can assure you that the bottom of the plane is never above the nose axis. I showed a screen in flight to a friend who is on Nancy Ochey, Cochet on 2000D and who also did not understand such an incidence... So yes largely overplayed.... but it was the same problem for the F1 CT/CR in FREE.
- PIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@Phoenix
The indicators on the drop tanks are lit even though they are not equipped.
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
As per our reference documentation, these lights only display low fuel qty on the tanks. If the tanks are not equipped, fuel qty is reported as zero and the lights will be lit.
- AIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:Atlas @Atlas76
Hello, I've been using the m2kc for a month now (and it is increeeeeeeedible) but I can't find how to activate the drag chute.
Could anybody tell me please ?Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Chute will deploy when aircraft is on the ground, gear is down, spoilers extended and chute lever is in the release position (white lever on the left side of the cockpit).
- AAtlas @Atlas76
Ok thanks
- LIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@ludoblancoRBK
Hello, I can no longer trigger the afterburner even though the key is correctly mapped... Can you tell me if this is related to the latest update?
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Nothing has changed, please refer to the manual:
- Progress
- M@madlaverdure
Just use M2K-C which is wondeful. Many thanks.
A question : why the spoiler won't work properly on an axis ? Is this a bug or a MSFS 2024 problem ?
Regards. - Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Its by design - only works on Toggle Spoilers keybind. Has to do with the way the drag chute works, in fact, which leverages drag induced by an oversized spoiler.. one of the “hackery” ways to make things work in MSFS
- M@madlaverdure
Super, it works with spoiler toggled.
It can even deploy parachute in flight :-). To be debugged soon I hope.