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Where to find the blank Osprey livery?

By @Adomeitus
    2022-11-14 20:01:00.240Z

    Really enjoying the osprey, thank you! I'm not able to find the blank livery, though, only the 8 designed liveries. It doesn't appear in the sim or as far as I can see in my install folder. Please can you tell me where I can find it?

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 2 replies
    1. Progress
      with handling this problem
    2. Coming on V1.0.1, releasing in a few hours.

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      1. A
          2022-11-14 20:55:44.938Zreplies toMiltechSimulations:

          Awesome, thank you! Didn't mean to be impatient, just a misunderstanding. Looking forward to it!