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Aircraft carrier software

By toby mcf @tobymcf
    2022-12-19 20:25:51.815Z

    the aircraft carrier software wont install for me. it just comes up with setup wizzard then i install it then i try open it then setup wizzard is there again and it repeats this.

    • 4 replies
    1. I would assume this is the Carrier Launcher Tool?

      The .MSI is just an installer. Once the product has been installed, delete the MSI. You should find an executable (.exe) program on your desktop, which is the software itself.

      1. Ttoby mcf @tobymcf
          2022-12-20 01:49:30.881Z

          nope nothing installs

          1. Ttoby mcf @tobymcf
              2022-12-20 03:42:40.433Z

              When i install via the MSI there is no "excecutable file" or any file at all that is installed.

              1. Please use the forum or email to discuss the issue. We do not offer support via any other channels.

                Can you first confirm you are referring to the Carrier Launcher Tool?

                This is what you should see on your desktop after installation of the MSI:

                If you don't see the icon, the full installation is located by default here: Documents\Miltech Simulations\Launcher
                Run Miltech Carrier Launcher.exe from there, or create a shortcut to your preferred location.

            • Progress
            • @MiltechSimulations closed this topic 2022-12-19 20:30:29.711Z.