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For those wondering "When will the Osprey/ARG be available on the Marketplace?"

By Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
    2023-01-30 20:32:16.144Z

    For those wondering "When will the Osprey/ARG be available on the Marketplace?":

    We continue hoping that soon ("In just a few weeks") as we have satisfied all the requirements and submitted all files for Marketplace release. However, the truth is: It is nearly impossible to predict. In contrast, compare that to ORBX: Osprey v1.1 was injected, tested, and released in under three hours after our submission.

    Our friends at SoFly and Parallel 42 have recently posted on their forums articles regarding Microsoft Flight Simulator and the current situation with the Marketplace. It's not only frustrating for us, as Developers, but also becoming a problem for Customers - it takes months for customers to receive updates. We believe that the built-in Marketplace is key for both the success of MSFS, as well as the success of all 3rd party development teams. We hope that, by voicing our concerns and frustrations, the situation is improved for developers and customers alike.

    I would highly recommend reading the blog posts by SoFly and Parallel 42:

    If you are still waiting for Marketplace release, I would highly recommend you consider ORBX - Not only you'll have a better experience and get updates faster, but also you'll get a discount a 20% discount applied to your order:

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