MV-22B v1.0.1 - RELEASED Nov 15th, 2022
MV-22B v1.0.2 - RELEASED Nov 17th
MV-22B v1.0.3 - RELEASED Nov 23rd
MV-22B v1.0.4 - RELEASED Nov 29th
MV-22B v1.0.4 Hotfix - RELEASED Dec 2nd
HOTFIX: Osprey Interior Textures issue with latest update
MV-22B v1.0.5 - RELEASED Dec 7th
MV-22B v1.1.0 - RELEASED Jan 22nd, 2023
MV-22B v1.1.1 - RELEASED Jan 31st
MV-22B v1.1.2 - RELEASED Feb 21st
MV-22B v1.1.3 - RELEASED Mar 12
MV-22B v1.1.4 - RELEASED Apr 2nd
MV-22B v1.2 - RELEASED June 6th
MV-22B v1.2.1 - RELEASED June 20th
- V-22 antigravity bug fixed
- MFD brightness on NIGHT mode adjusted
MV-22B v1.2.2 - RELEASED July 19th
- New engine throttle model
- VRS changes due to new Throttle Model
- Other fixes to the CONV flight model
- CVM-22 model is missing some detail fixed
- Reference Manual improvements
MV-22B v1.3.0 - RELEASED January 3rd, 2024
- Pop-out instrument screens added. Note that the pop-outs do not support complex graphics (eg. Map, Synthetic vision)
- Effectiveness of trim dampened on VTOL/CONV
- Trim consistency between APLN and CONV improved. CONV FM resets to zero trim upon conversion.
- ui_typerole changed to Rotorcraft to allow aircraft to make use of helipads in the simulator [experimental, please report any issues]
- Added trim indicator to MFD (FCS monitor page (STAT-> FCS -> FCS MON)
- Added togglable (optional) aera-style GPS for in-cockpit NAV and flight planning. (CDU -> ACFT Init -> Page 3 -> Handheld GPS)
MV-22B v1.3.1 (V1.3.3 on the MS Marketplace) - RELEASED January 8th, 2024
- Fixed boundary issues on the flight model that resulted in odd "floating" behavior at 73% RPM
- Fixed missing fallback references on various liveries
MV-22B v1.4.0 - RELEASED October 28th, 2024 (Latest Version MSFS2020)
- Added CDU MSN (Mission) Menu - now loads can be selected via this menu:
- Added Internal Cargo Loads
- Added External (sling) Cargo Loads
- Cargo Bay is now accessible from the cockpit, cockpit door can be opened
- Cargo Bay has been fully retextured
- Cockpit Seats have been fully retextured
- Internal lighting has been improved, including the cargo bay
- Several modeling changes, including modeling of the hoist hooks
- HVR Page added to MFD Screen:
- Realism Mode and GPS Visibility preferences can now be saved through CDU AFCT Init Menu 3 (pressing ENTER Key on this screen)
- Pitch sensitivity has been tweaked for low speed, high nacelle angle conditions
MV-22B v1.5.0 - RELEASED March 17th (Latest Version MSFS2024)
This update is not FS24 NATIVE, but rather FS24 Compatible. Osprey Livery Pack, as well as community liveries made for FS20 continue to be compatible in FS24.
- Various FS24 Compatibility Bugfixes: MFD Flickering resolved, Map/FLIR bugs resolved, "Green Gauges" bug fixed.
- Various lighting/effects improvements to better suit the new FS24 lighting engine.
- Avatar spawn point added. Shift+C default interaction to enter aircraft.
MV-22B v1.5.1 - PLANNED MSFS24
- EFB Tablet - Map Flight Plan Synchronization
- Reitegrated FCS MON Page on MFD
- Removing old Aera GPS in favour for the new EFB Tablet
- JIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@Jigaw407
Regarding the APU starting time. It seems to take about 20 seconds from initiating the APU start to full RPM:
If you would set it to something like that it would be great.
- CIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@Cutlass
Really enjoying the module guys and look forward to future updates. Glad you'll be adding the rear hold from the cockpit view. I wonder if you are also working on some of the audio, the wind noise in the cockpit at high speeds hurts and when I'm in a bank it's like the creaking of a much lighter aircraft. Keep up the good work though, such an interesting aircraft. Any tips on getting the amphious groups to a different location?
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
We have not considered any changes to the sounds (this is the first comment/suggestion we get) - but it will be considered.
We can add any location of the amphibious-ready group on request. Just send us an email with the requested location.
Got the email thanks, one other thing will you be releasing a paintkit?
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Yes! Texturemaps may change slightly as we are still working on modeling and texturing updates, but once textures are "final", a painkit will be released.
- In reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:TNoel Richardson @tatsukoa
In relationship to the LHAs is it possible to have aircraft in Spots 2, 4, 7 and or 9. That would be pretty realistic for flight ops are we normally launch/recover in a section or flight.
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add vehicles to some of those positions.
- In reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:DDavid G Witherow @dagwit
I agree with Cutlass that the windnoise in your MV-22 is too loud. Here is cockpit video from an actual V-22 in cruise with rotors level:
The sound in the cockpit seems to consist of some wind noise, a mid-to-low-frequency hum, and rotor noise - it is not dominated by a high level of wind noise as currently represented in the sim, which to me sounds more like a recording made from the back of the aircraft with the ramp open.
It would be nice to see that wind noise replaced by this more realistic cockpit sound: the present - and, it seems, unrealistic - level of wind noise is rather fatiguing.
P.S. You did move my carrier for me - much appreciated!
- CIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@crwdawg6176
So downloaded FS2020 just so I could fly this thing. I used to crew them years ago. A few things I'd point out, when starting and engine, the rotors spin up immediately. The rotors should move a lot slower while the engine is put into start. As the engine spools up the rotors should kind of reflect that a little better. Right now its like just flipping a switch and going from 0 to 2000 rpm instantly. I saw on the list of future things to investigate, windshield wipers.....we always pulled those off and tossed them to the side. They NEVER get used. If you do turn them on, the gearbox likes to smoke out the cockpit. Also, on the upper parts of the nacelles, 80 knots and below the EAPS doors should be open, and when set to auto they will open/close when exceeding 80 knots or going below. BFWS is a little weird on this too. From the BFWS page, it should be select the position, a list pops up (which all that seems to be there) but when you push the BFWS button, you should have to hold it there until the sequence is completed. Another thing is just because the TCL is in the bucket, I shouldn't be getting a low RPM warning/master alert light blinking. I'm sure I could go on and on here about different nuances of just basic operation of this thing and what should do what, but overall, I'm excited to see this and I think ya'll did a solid job developing this model. I know nothing of the heartache and pain it must be to develop a working model like this, so kuddos to the devs and I hope my feed back isn't super redundant. I look forward to watching this thing grow into something even greater.
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Thanks for your feedback!
- Rotors should move slower: Noted, added to the list
- Wipers removed from the list based on your feedback
- Nacelle EAPS Doors: Noted, added to the list
- BFWS: From your feedback, I understand that the only difference is the fact that on the real aircraft you must keep the button pressed until sequence is completed, right? If that’s the case, this would not be implemented just for ease of use.
- Remove Low RPM Warning: Noted, added to list
- C@crwdawg6176
Correct on the BFWS button. And honestly I agree, leave it be. Holding that button sucks anyway.
- In reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:C@crwdawg6176
Another I forgot to mention, as long as the APU or engines are online, hyd systems 1,2,3 are always at 5000 psi. noticed the pressures seemed dependent on power applied. They should be constant so long as the APU is running or engines are online.
- FIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:Flewpastu @Flewpastu
Pilot and co pilot helmets are missing and the main gear doors stabilizer ? doesnt look right . Great aircraft , thank you for your hard work on this project
Not sure how to upload pics to show what I mean ?
Figured out how to upload
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Both the pilot models and landing gear model are being completely remade for the next update.
- FFlewpastu @Flewpastu
Thank you and Looking forward to the new update. Happy New Year
- VIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:Jonne Steen Redeker @Vingilot
Hey I was wondering if there's any update on the pop out displays? They'd be a lot of help.
- UIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@Unsealedkarma
Thank you for the 1.11 update. Could you elaborate a bit on the lvar light bit in the update summary. I want to set up my controller using lvars to control the light, but seem to be unable at the moment Aa it’s all controlled in the WASm module. Could you expose the lighting states and toggle to lvars?
Edit: now I see the Lvar list is posted in another topic. However there seem to be some resetting behind the scenes and I can’t find a way to monitor the states (on/off or state 1,2, 3, etc.)
Speaking of lvars and states - how about the door and ramp - can it controlled by an lvar and the door state read? - UIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@Unsealedkarma
The Blacksquare Caravan was updated today. In the changelog was an interesting tidbit on the wind noise. Perhaps it is the same problem that causes the very loud wind noise at high airspeed. It should be possible to calculate the real IAS based on TAS, altitude and pressure.
“- Have you ever noticed that the wind sound in all other MSFS aircraft is erroneously based on true airspeed rather than indicated airspeed? This makes wind noise during high altitude cruise far too loud. It’s likely the result of there being no persistent indicated airspeed simulation variable that is not affected by pitot-static failures. All Black Square aircraft now have wind sounds based on indicated airspeed, which makes them much more enjoyable to fly at high true airspeed.”
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Interesting, I'll look into that
- JIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@jorgon
Many thanks for the pop out screens added in the recent update!
- NIn reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:@Nico
When will update 1.4 be available on the Microsoft store?
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
no release date yet, depends on the Microsoft testing/injection process.
- In reply toMiltechSimulations⬆:N@NeedyFlash2012
I wish I had bought it directly from you guys now. Is there anyway to transfer my purchase across directly to a Miltech account from the MS Marketplace to obtain updates in a more timely fashion?
Miltech Simulations @MiltechSimulations
Please email us and we can arrange a license transfer
- Progresswith handling this problem