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MV-22 button mapping for auto hover?
I'd like to map a button for the auto hover and can't find which command controls this. Can anyone tell me? Note: if there's not an easy mapping then a simvar would work for me also.
GeneralMP92023-01-26 08:36:49.945Z
very very minor bug :)
i dont know if its on all liveries, but when rotated into apln mode it is noticed that the left rotor when the tip lights are on the bottom they do not come on. When they are put to the top they do come on! It is just slightly disorenting to night fl...
GeneralT12023-01-24 15:01:13.161Z
MAWS (Missile Approach Warning System) added as model, FLIR Camera model improved Further Exterior and Interior Modeling Improvements, re-designed cockpit model, landing gear, cargo bay, ramp door. MFD C/A Button with maps on issue fixed Texturing Im...
General02023-01-21 17:54:08.273Z
[BUG] Osprey & Rex Weather Force 2020
Hello, I just purchased the Osprey and for the first 36 hours couldn't get the engines to start. It would appear that the culprit is Rex Weather Force 2020. If I start a flight without Weather Force running, the engines start right up. However, if I ...
General82023-01-09 21:15:33.986Z
How to Unfold into FLT RDY position?
Hi, I managed to bring the rotor blades and wing into FULL STOW position, but I'm unable to bring it back to FLT RDY. Pushing the MFD button has no affect and everything is staying in fold and stow position. Any hint what I miss or had to do? I Tried...
QuestionsCC22022-12-30 22:10:44.342Z
Maximum take off altitude for the Osprey?
Hi Guys, I just tried to start at Lukla Airport (VNLK) but I was not able to take off in VTOL and only a couple of times with massive challenges in STOL. Any idea what the max take off altitude for the Osprey is? I couldn't find any technichal data i...
QuestionsCC22022-12-30 14:56:46.380Z
Carrier kinematics software not found...
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the George HW Bush carriers mod to library, and directly to the MSFS folder, but I can't find the arrestor/catapult software anywhere on my PC. In another thread I see you indicated that the default install...
GeneralAA22022-12-27 21:07:54.621Z
Aircraft carrier software
the aircraft carrier software wont install for me. it just comes up with setup wizzard then i install it then i try open it then setup wizzard is there again and it repeats this.
GeneralT42022-12-20 04:09:37.973Z
Bottom half of nose is "one sided" (transparent)
v1.0.5 When looking from the top down past the glareshield I can see the landing gear and the runway. It seems like the lower part of the nose in only defined "one sided" … and so only "solid" from the outside … but transparent from the inside.
Questions12022-12-19 05:11:10.271Z
Osprey and FBW?
Hi, just a small question. I have noticed that in APLN mode, the Osprey requires lots of corrections and trimming. I don't know a lot about the plane, but shouldn't it have fully FBW controls and thus be very stable? Basically, point it where you wan...
QuestionsB32022-12-18 13:50:34.097Z
Explain icons...
Loss of Cyclic Control 1.0.4
This is the 3rd flight in the row since I installed the 1.0.4 patch and something is seriously screwed up. I takeoff VTOL, transition, cruise and descend just fine, but as soon as I start to transition the nacelles back to helicopter mode for landing...
GeneralKDK132022-12-13 17:56:28.848Z
@ 2 Issues. ATC TYPE & Gear Box temps.
Aircraft is still not recognized by in-game ATC as V-22 or Osprey. Call outs are just "TYPE" (.cfg) file show MV-22B and Osprey but there are no call outs. Also the aircraft type is not showing on Multi-player tags. All Gearbox Temperatures are track...
GeneralTT22022-12-13 15:07:10.290Z
Nacelles are rotating slowly
The Nacelles rotate slower than what is viewed in tutorial videos. Even when rotating with the BFWS the Nacelles still rotate slowly. Any suggestions?
QuestionsDKD52022-12-10 18:17:39.140Z
3D model bug … glareshield pierces cockpit glass
Starting in v1.0.4 … and still present in v1.0.5 I noticed that … the edges of the glareshield pierce the main cockpit glass in two locations (symmetric on both sides).
Questions12022-12-09 18:14:06.308Z
Rotor motion stutter during shutdown and startup
v1.0.4 … and prior I have watched this many times and it clearly is a reproducible pattern (and I now have made a video … which I can upload if needed) When I turn off the last main turbine and the rotors switch from the blurred rendering to the actu...
General32022-12-09 10:28:57.828Z
Osprey 1.0.5 Rotor motion stutter during shutdown and startup Clicking VS does not deactivate VS. Airspeed Hold Control mapping: Airspeed Hold engage/disengage is now mapped to AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED ACQUIRE command. HYD Systems constant pressure when AP...
General02022-12-07 06:33:27.270Z
AP VS speed dial activates AP Altitude Hold
Here is how I can reproduce it (and I have a video, if needed) Power up the Osprey at some ramp … bat … apu … engine 1 press AP VS hold … to ON turn the VS dial to +100 ft … OK turn the VS dial back to 0 ft … OK turn the VS dial to -100 ft … and AP V...
Questions22022-12-07 00:32:54.366Z
Looking for flight instruction and friends....
Hello everyone - First off thanks to the Miltech folks for making the Osprey - I'm loving it! I'm looking for knowledgeable folks who would be interested in helping me learn the various procedures and operations - for things like approaching & landin...
GeneralJ12022-12-07 00:30:25.674Z
Revert to previous version
Is there any way to revert to a previous version. I bought the product on OrbX, but I don't see any option to install a specific version.
GeneralKK22022-12-02 20:09:55.010Z
Anti-Icing Support
I have keyboard mappings for the "Toggle Pitot and "Toggle Anti Ice" and they seem to be working but there is no integration into the cockpit or visual indicators. Is anti-icing going to be supported. I noticed on the system page there is an Icing page.
GeneralKK22022-12-02 17:59:28.557Z
AP Airspeed Hold Joystick Mapping
I have been setting up joystick binds for the Osprey. I have everything working except: None of the standard mappings for external lights seem to work. The "Autopilot Airspeed Hold" mapping is not working for me.
GeneralK12022-12-02 17:27:46.393Z
Osprey 1.0.4 ILS Diamonds not working (not moving but ILS works) Engine heat blur effects Remove Low RPM warning + improvements to alarm system Compass Lighting fix Exterior & Bay Modeling Improvements Turning on Movable Aircraft Carriers bug Digital...
GeneralW62022-12-02 13:11:54.556Z
AP not following VOR
Hello there, today I was trying to follow a TACAN (SPA 115.7), the aircraft detected it (see picture bellow) AP CPLD / VOR/ILS 1 CAP But the aircraft was not flying toward it at all... However I noticed that the aircraft was following the HDG knob an...
General72022-12-02 06:51:51.573Z
This is a known issue, as some files did not update correctly with v1.0.4. The issue has been fixed in the backend of ORBX Central. To fix: Launch ORBX Central, search for MV22 Osprey Click on "Verify Files" and ORBX Central will automatically resync...
General02022-12-02 05:02:27.427Z
AP VS Hold button misbehaving
With v1.0.3 I have seen a new bug in the AP interface (state management). The "VS Hold" button gets "stuck" in the ON state … and pressing it will change the VS numeric value. Here is the video:
Questions22022-11-29 10:35:07.586Z
Shadow of tail antenna dishes is "blinking"
Like any goose I like to fly "in formation" … so that I can watch the pretty shape of the Osprey while flying. But at a certain distance (zoom level) there is a disturbing visual shadow effect. MSFS sometimes draws the shadows of the tail antenna dis...
Ideas12022-11-29 08:38:23.839Z
OSPREY MV-22 V1.0.1 Texturing Improvements (Interior) Liveries tweaks for quality and realism Engine overtoque under normal flight condition Interim power (PFD/FLIR) now has colored visual queues to avoid overstressing the engine (blinking red for ca...
GeneralTB162022-11-28 20:24:21.431Z
AS VS Hold gets ignored (is impacted) by airspeed changes
As with my other AP topics here again I only use two AP features: HDG Hold VS Hold … and adjust the airspeed manually … and I do not set any target altitude. I have summarize this as "AS VS Hold get ignored (is impacted) by airspeed changes" because ...
Questions42022-11-23 08:22:55.160Z
Osprey v1.0.3 Turning off screens on MAP mode Autopilot issues. Alt Hold/Alt select overshooting selected altitude under some circumstances. General Autopilot Improvements Further improvements to APLN flight model Improved Effect of Trim during CONV
General02022-11-23 04:31:03.606Z
AP (on first run only) enforces 3000 ft radio altimeter
I now can reproduce my "AP confusion" … where I was seeing unexplainable climb activities, even while I did set "VS to 0 ft HOLD". The key points are (seem to be): It only happens on the very first flight after MSFS has been started It is related to ...
Questions112022-11-23 00:58:45.380Z
Texturing Improvements (Exterior) idea … Light Bulbs
I saw the topic of … Texturing Improvements (Exterior) … for the upcoming release(s) and wanted to provide some feedback on that. MSFS does push the 3D modeling and rendering limits closer to … "maximum realism". The switch to 8K textures for the Osp...
Ideas12022-11-21 17:04:08.885Z
More testing of the V22
From a cold and dark start. Blade fold works, but upon finishing stuck in last sequence, with the arrow flashing, because of this, unable to unfold blades to flight conditions. Waited over 5 mins to convert back to flight conditions. No go. Aircraft ...
GeneralT242022-11-20 22:56:20.360Z
Nacelles on an axis?
Is there going to be the option to put the nacelles on an axis rather than buttons? it would be ideal to utilize a thumb wheel like displayed on the throttle.
GeneralT22022-11-20 20:03:12.269Z
AP "Speed hold" visually fighting throller axis input
Since I have not seen this in the "tracked bugs": When activating "AP speed hold" the 3D throttle in the cockpit starts to jump back-and-forth between the manual axis setting (from the HOTAS) … and the target throttle position which is computed (set)...
QuestionsT112022-11-20 14:29:00.192Z
Availability on PC Marketplace and Transfer
I would like to know when the Osprey will be available on the PC market place. Looking at the FAQ, my assumption is that it would be available only after SU12, together with Xbox availability. Am I correct? I would like to buy the Osprey as soon as p...
QuestionsSS42022-11-20 11:42:15.195Z
Osprey APLN Mode - banking/roll is too slow, aircraft feels heavy on turns
We are currently investigating this issue. Recent changes on the CFD Flight model after SU11 introduced this bug. A bug fix will be released ASAP.
General12022-11-18 12:34:39.100Z
v1.0.1 ENAV flight path following "hunting"
Hi while using v1.0.1 following a flight plan made on global map, engage AP and the aircraft once on the route slowly rolls left then right continuously as it flys the course (maybe relates to the slow roll rate we now seem to have??). So it seems to...
GeneralCC22022-11-17 23:15:28.121Z
Osprey v1.0.2 Fix for "aircraft feeling heavy in APLN mode" + other related issues Interior texture adjustments
General02022-11-17 20:11:57.724Z
Pilots have twisted legs
In v1.0.1 the Pilots have twisted legs (very unhealthy positions … or yoga extreme :-) I see them when using the drone cam to inspect the aircraft from the outside.
Questions12022-11-16 19:43:00.865Z
v1.0.1 - "too heavy" in APLN … but "Mach loop ready" at 1+ deg nacelles
There was a video in the MSFS forum of two Ospreys doing the Mach Loop … which is one of my visual references for the "agility" (flight performance) of the real world Osprey. Based on that … as long as the nacelles are >0 deg (=not MSFS flight physic...
IdeasT22022-11-16 19:41:12.370Z